
  Vertical Colloid Mill


COLLOID MILL is the best grinding media for pastes, cream, suspension products etc.
Working Principal :-
The Product is charged from the hopper, which enters the milling Chambers which consists of a stator rotor. At high speed, the particles of the products are crushed and get reduced to as low as 5 microns.

Drive mechanism is an electric motor with couple shaft. Special 3 way clock is provided to recirculate the product to get final & finest output.
Models Available :-
Models are available in S.S 316 / S.S 304 Quality, Jacketed / Non-Jacketed.

Jacketed model is with S.S. Jacket to the hopper, the milling chamber & recirculation pipe for circulation of cold water during operation to reduce temperature
Salient Feature:- 
• Fine particles size at height speed 
• S.S Contact part 
• Lower Maintenance

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